Coronavirus - Close the Airports

So I can head to Spain ( or wherever) rock back of a Sunday and be back working Monday with no need to quarantine?

As it stands, yeah. Unless this brilliant legislation somehow changes it

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The application of pricing will be interesting and supply/demand will be skewed by mitigation measures like social distancing. Occupancy for flights and hotels will have upper limit thresholds meaning lower numbers of punters whilst operational overhead remains constant. Could be a very expensive time to holiday and highly likely to filter into 2021 season also.

So you take ten days and you’re grand?

Business travellers are exempt?

Well as it stands there’s no one stopping it. Plenty coming home for visits, funerals etc and staying less than two weeks


What if you’d Important business for two weeks in Ibiza

The 2m distance is remaining in place

Number of COVID cases in hospitals down by 1/3 since this time last week

Fucking jokeshop


Useful info

Typical tan bastards ratting out there neighbours to the plod from behind their garden walls.

Via Peru?

when did they change to 2 metres?

This whole 2 meters thing is a complete and utter joke.


The use of gloves in comedy gold too. A total waste of time.


Sure they were telling us masks were a waste of time for months

They are only telling people wear masks now so that when there’s an enquiry in 18 months time they can say ‘Look, we did something’.

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