Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The English clown on sky news now

Blow it up ta fuck

Fecking hell he is laughable

Book the july holiday now pal before the cats out of the bag and prices rocket…


There must be very, very few active cases in the communtiy now? Like when you subtract nursing homes, hospitals, meat plants etc. Most daily activities must be incredibly safe to participate in freely

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What’s the latest lads?

was wondering myself about that. how many of the 56 are outside of the categories you mention would be interesting

Stay under the bed. I’ll let you know when it’s safe

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I’ve sold all of the beds to pay for weed.

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I came out from under the bed today for a few hours. Sunburn, cappuccinos from machines, the lot. I’d say I’m riddled.

There was a big crowd in the park in mungret today. Everyone was social distancing but you can see the groups are bigger and definitely not family units. Loads of groups of teenagers going around. And sure why not

Imagine having bought a shitheap in Kildare or Wicklow. Ouch.

Have the healthcare workers got herd immunity now?

Very few supermarket workers have got it.


Ah yeah but supermarket workers generally aren’t exposed to sick people and I’d imagine the perspex screens are certainly helping those at the tills.

Very little cash being handled too.

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If it was in community, shops have had a wide range of people some would have no symptoms. Screens would help but then if that is case everything can open with screens installed. No screens in aisles.

People are generally passing through, you know the whole must be in within two metres for 15 minutes of time etc. The bigger supermarkets are very open with high ceilings and ventilated. A lot of people are now wearing masks, social distancing and sanitiser is very implemented etc.

I think you have to tip your hat to how well the supermarket industry have handled this. Magda from Lidl and Angelika from Aldi don’t wear capes but they are superheroes.

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How much of that is down to weekend reporting? The weekends are always lower numbers

The numbers are steady for the past week, I’d say the average down south is mid 70s in daily new cases which is encouraging.

Very encouraging. Hopefully phases 2 & 3 will be merged, or phase 2 accelerated