Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Signs erected at St Annes Park.

Monroes lashing out the pints tonight. Guards had to clear the Spanish Arch because of it

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yes and it puts one thinking about just how contagious this virus is

I expect the meath factory clusters could be down to a lot of work colleagues living together in crammed circumstances as much as it relates to the work conditions

Supermarket workers aren’t on top of each other in confined space for the whole day. I’d imagine work on an operating line is extremely difficult to implement social distancing.

If supermarket workers can work without getting it, most others can too

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Yeah this is happening at Kepak in Watergrasshill alright. One of the boning halls is closed. 145 of the 160 working in the boning hall have tested positive for Covid. They’re all living together also.

I hope you guys are all keeping well.

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Not a lot of airline cases either. Good standard of ventilator there too.

Seems to be very specific environments and interactions. Doesn’t seem to be as transmittable as was made out.

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Only supermarket workers who are stationery are those at the tills and they’re dealing with a moving line all day so I can see how it’s well managed there. From my visits to supermarkets since this has unfolded, they have very good procedures in place and there is extremely high compliance with these.

Same with every commercial kitchen in Ireland the majority of whom who have been open this entire time

You’d be moving about in a kitchen though.

Those in meat plants on the production line are effectively stationery for the majority of the day.

Like Naas or greystones versus the outskirts of portlaoise or portarlington ?

Surely only a Laois person would buy a home in Laois?

They’re still touching lots of things and in contact with a lot of people. Seems unlikely there wouldn’t be outbreaks.

Not sure if that’s the case in Queens County…

But isn’t there something with the heat in a kitchen that makes it tougher for the virus to live?

Touching stuff makes fuck all difference. It’s airborne.

Takeaway service?

Why not

Science still failing us guys.