Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’d say there’s data from last census that might show if your theory is correct…

There’s still guidance it does, even though it’s not the major way. Underlines it really isn’t the biggest issue.

No they are queueing up. 20 deep there around 7.30. For stale beer too

The amount of scutter involved in re-opening an office. Fucking nonsense. A right little industry after appearing around it.


FFS :rofl:

is Gary back at the wheel?

Half the reason they won’t move to 1m is because of it.

A while now. Since Fergus moved to Woodquay

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What are you trying to say here

Wouldn’t have a clue. Monroes was my local in college, lived in Parkavera for 4 years :pint:

McGins is Fergus place?

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That while laois has more than its fair share of inbreds, theres been plenty of outsiders residing there too… It’s good for the gene pool…

:+1: Galways Celtic pub par excellence.

Monroes on the other hand will ever be know as the pub where the first bunch of lads in the towns history ever to wear skinny jeans were known to frequent

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Why would anyone want to live in Laois if you weren’t from there. Bizarre behaviour you’d feel.

Serious curtain twitching in Wexford. A grandmother called to see her grandchild for the first time and the fucking cops turned up the next day on the report of a neighbour.

Fucking townies. @Bandage

True story.


You’d have to ask the first settlers that…

I’m an O Moore :man_shrugging:


Similar stories all across the land. This is setting community against community, fuck this sham government

I cut my aul lads hair today.

I’ve never laughed as much with him complaining.


Mighty head of hair.

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Needs to resign now

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