Coronavirus - Close the Airports

They could also just have asked people to tell them what they were earning. You’d get a few cunts but 95% of people would have told the truth and they’d at least be able to claw back from the liars in time when things relax.
The reality is they hadn’t the capability to input multiple payment amounts for a large number of people.
It’s a bit of a farce, but look it’s the workers getting bailed out for once. I can live with it


Is it not sad that 200k people earn ‘considerably’ less than 350 … While I know part time workers are in there, it’s still a shit show.


Try getting her to live on 350 per week. FFS sake

It’s a fucking disgrace. The distribution of wealth is very unequal, but that’s what we are getting for the neoliberalist policies of successive conservative governments in this country for decades

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Isn’t the nice part of Portarlington in Co. Offaly?

The - not all capes wear superheroes - mantra went out the window fairly quick.

I’d be inclined to think it’s mainly part time workers in that figure.

Aside from stupid and, arguably, unnecessary purchases on the INTERNET, i doubt I’m spending more than 250 a week these days.

Yeah minimum wage is €10.10, so someone on minimum wage for 40 hours a week would be on €404 gross a week.

21008 is 404 X 52 (Weeks)

She’s Fianna Fail. You’re not allowed join the party unless you have a neck like a jockey’s bollocks.

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NBA 2k20 was not a stupid purchase :smile:

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The GAA being badly shown up.

It’s all over. Completely fizzling out

Ball’s burst, game over

Covid 19’s race is run.

No new deaths in Lombardy. today.

The wheel always turns.


Any old deaths?

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Part time work is the construct of neoliberal policy?