Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You must be seething about the poor getting a bailout.

They needed to get payments to nearly half the population within a week. In that sense I don’t think anything else could have been done bar maybe two different payment rates, full time for €350 and part time for €200. As you say most people will be honest.

At least it isn’t bonds that are burnt upon repayment. Most of that money will find its way back into the economy over the next 6 months when it’s badly needed.

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‘Flexible’ contracts/precarious employment is mate

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1 metre is basically saying “Work away as normal lads”

Jordan’s account looks to have been deleted. Sweep sweep.

We will stay 1 metre apart. We have always stayed 1 metre apart.

We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Our babysitter is in college. She works in a cafe at weekends. She is getting the 350. Will be about 5k tax free by time its done. She has most of it put back into economy id say there is delivery vans in and out all day


It’s taxable.

They need to make employment more attractive. €350 for part timers earning €200 or less is a cod.

@Dannyboy (AKA FG Nightwatchman) had some algorithim prepared and was going to unleash a diatribe 1/8, 2/8, 3/8 type Twitter thread against him.

My contact in the building trade said contractors were finding it hard to get lads back labouring. They are happy enough to get the €350 and being doing a few odd jobs.

Why wouldn’t they be? Probably stopped the mortgage and the car loan too.

I’m very much a left wing socialist but we need to cut the fuck out of the bloated SW payments and give all of the money to the employer to do as s/he sees fit.


In fairness outside of a pub or tight places most people stay a metre apart. Anything closer is creepy and overbearing

Unlikely that money is going back into our economy so


Have you ever been there? Good luck finding a nice part. Full of Dubs too, imagine thinking Port is the lovely country retreat you were looking for. Holy fuck.

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No mention of the junta mate?

They’re probably as well off without those sort of useless cunts so.

The two metre rule has saved countless marriages

Company man Dick Clerkin in today’s Indo.

“Our decision-makers deserve the benefit of the doubt and we need to continue to comply.”