Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Abbeyleix and ballacolla look like grand little spots when I used to drive through them…

They are indeed, although Abbeyleix has a grand strong Protestant tradition stretching back to its garrison days, hence the architecture.


It is. Not for her though as she wont hit the limits

@gilgamboa March 2020 ‘this lockdown has taught me that kids need nothing but each other. My two have been playing away together non stop, not a bother.’

@gilgamboa April 2020 ‘We’ve had the kids teamed up with the neighbours so they can all play with each other all the time. It’s great.’

@gilgamboa May 2020 ‘My babysitter is taking the fucking piss with this lockdown.’


A victory for personal space

When the facts change

Gave that the magic 10th. Serious clamping tbf


Lots of building sites very busy here today despite it being a Bank Holiday. Fair enough too I suppose, they have had enough time sitting about.

Hugh Wallace is making sure he is front and centre to cream off it anyway. Consultation fee for advice, when there may be no need for all the proposed bullshit measures. Handy money to get for basically spoofing.

They don’t be long gathering


Nixers are all well and good until cash is fully outlawed. There’ll be some look of shock on the faces of plasterers and chippies when they realise they slept through it.

Disappointing that the man had to even do this but thems the times we live in sadly.

There is a slight whiff of homophobia about the complaints.

Slight is being kind

Leo actively promotes people touting on each other so he’ll secretly be pleased.

You can almost see the curtains twitching in the video

Ah lads :smile:

The replies :man_facepalming:t2:

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Do I wanna click on that ??? What happened, Leo was sun bathing over the weekend?