Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m more surprised he has 3 friends

I thought this was a non story, now I don’t know what to think


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It’s like a stupidity siren went out and they all answered

Im aware of a small contractor, who has his people back doing “essentiall maintenance” for the last three weeks, they are collecting the 350 a week which he is topping up with cash .

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Is he not berating the general public for doing the same? Saying people are becoming too casual … and there he is getting naked in a group … It’s obvious youre hurting here after hiding under the bed for so long and then your supreme leader mugs you off.


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The hold the line crew have been obliterated .

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Nobody is naked there pal.

You’re making up lies now just to lash out. It’s fascinating to watch.

You’d have thought Ireland had moved on from this sort of homophobia

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I never said they were.

I think you did.

The act of getting naked isnt naked … the act of getting naked is ongoing until one is naked.

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Covid-19 physical distancing restrictions cheats cheat us all.


The under the bed crew have been most cheated.

Homophobia shames us all.

Agreed. I’m not sure why you felt the need to bring it up but the sentiments are bang on.

The undertones here are quite disappointing.

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The lads who would sleep on the floor if work was in the bed have cheated us all and destroyed our chance of a socialist paradise.