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The under the bed crew trying to dress this up as homophobic is pathetic and says more about you lads that need to bring up sexuality in the first place.

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waffle … you lads are rightly rattled here after being abandoned by your leader… all kinds of lashing out and trying to hide behind outrageous slurs.

Describing a gay man with his top off on a warm sunny day as “getting naked” is homophobic.

Did you ever use a similar phrase about Limerick hurlers after a match - were they getting naked on the pitch.

Lookit, you are what you are. I just thought you’d grown.

I’d say the same if it was a woman standing there with her top off … the fact you need to bring his sexuality into it is very, very strange … you’re just looking for anything to cling to here after Leo has made a complete show of you.

Go back under your bed pal.

It’s not always about the bedroom. But lookit, you are what you are

I might turn quare. It seems to be an unreal defence for any sort of behaviour you want to do without criticism

Come on pal… You’d the perfect opportunity to come Out from under the bed and go out with the hurl and lay waste to those lads outside your home the other day… But you took the phone out instead…

You cant criticize the wanker at all and you’re called a homophobe … Leo has been trying to blame the public for breaking guidelines for weeks now and there he is flaunting them out in public … he’ll be on then about the rest of us being too relaxed over the next few days.

Some moobs on the cunt for a fella that supposedly works out

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Shurlookit, I suppose between running the country and volunteering on the front line, he’s probably not getting as much exercise as he previously would have. I just hope he’s ok mentally besides. There’s been a few choice characters who’ve come out from under the keyboards since that video emerged.

He seemed grand and relaxed there anyway, fair play to him.

That could be the end of Minister Harris though. Hows he going to enforce a 2m restriction and his boss with the top off with the boys down the park



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You’ll be disputing he was there at all next.

Is that not what happened?

Its very progressive for a statesman to be able to do that while a lot of the population are being told to stay at home as much as possible.

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There we were, now here we are. all this confusion, nothing’s the same to me

A few metres from his home? Shurlookit, maybe he should stay in entirely

That’s what the government want. Phase 1. You should still stay at home as much as you possibly can.

He is in a position where certain liberties are forfeited. One of those is swanning off down the park with the boys while your government is trying to enforce strict restrictions on the population

He has completely undermined any future attempts to explain why restrictions aren’t being cleared.

I’m sure Holohan and Harris are fucking livid.

That’s it done lads. Do what you want now