Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m pretty sure the government allow us leave our homes for exercise and fresh air.

Lookit, I’m off out to enjoy the sun. I might strip to the waist too. Its that sort of weather. Catch you later.

The bed has been lifted, and now the ‘under the bed’ crew are just lying on the floor.

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The hold the line boys arent interested in any of that … they need something to deflect from the mugging off they’ve had. Shurlookit …

Fill your boots mate.
You aren’t deciding policy.
Shurlookit if the taoiseach is at it we all may as well be.



Exactly … that’s the message that has been sent out to the nation. Totally undermining the butcher Holohan and the hangman Harris while he’s at it. Has he no back garden in that rented place or could he not have gone to a back garden of one of his mates there in the pic ? That’s where the rest of us are breaking the guidelines


What a nation :joy:

It’s done now. They haven’t a leg to stand on.

I wonder if at any stage Leo wondered, “I might have made a mistake here” ?

Do you think the whole thing was a cod?

Disgraceful carryon

Not at all mate, the restrictions were only there to buy time and understand the art of the possible, while the restrictions were in place we were supposed to be ramping up testing and tracing, to ensure we could come out quicker.

That hasn’t happened so they’re keeping the draconian measures while our policy maker is out having drinks in the sun.

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So Varadkar had a gay orgy in the Pheonix Park in the middle of a pandemic?


Its like the last days of the Roman emire. Only less gay

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@horsebox hasn’t seen his Mammy in months but Varadkar is able to host a pride parade with his friends in a public park.

It’s a disgrace.

Horsebox saw his mammy and daddy at the weekend. It was lovely.


Will any member of the press question him or Dr Tony on this carry on? I highly doubt it. My issue is it’s very hypocritical of him. He will blame the public if the virus gets out again regardless if it’s in the community or healthcare settings. No problem with him meeting friends as imho coronavirus is bate. But the hypocrisy is sickening

What rules did Varadkar break?

Looks like he observed the rules. Is he not allowed a day off?

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The narcissist’s mask will always slip.

The PM is always on duty. Drinking in the park with your shirt off is uncouth behaviour and is not befitting of public office. Leo the narcissist, “look at me!”.

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Don’t worry about it

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