Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Genuinely heartwarming. Were either of them topless?


I posted Putin in the lookalikes thread 30 mins ago. Great minds…

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No moobs on Vlad.

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Cans with the lads are a constitutional right

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So is the right to move freely within the State and the right to assemble.

Leo’s just mugging off Tony. He’ll have to open up now, the hypocrisy would be too much not to

You can never trust a narcissist.

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It’s like the time he shafted Enda Kenny over Callinan. Straight to the public! The Leo way.

Lapsed poster, @Matty_Hislop, had Leo down as a “detestable cunt” many years ago.

Is his partner living with him?

He is now :rofl:

But leo I don’t think we’re there yet…

Shut up and stick on the kylie DVD


It’s over. We’ve won.


We did it.
We held the line, we did it.

Dr Tony take a bow

The curve is flattened now it’s time to flatten the economy.


Leo has smashed Covid 19.

Any chance we’ll be going to that kip in Ennis next Sunday?

You deserve a ni e post for that.

Happy days.
Take that New Zealand