Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Read my lips - no new deaths.

A Matt / Leo wedding announcement for later this summer coupled with a national holiday to mark our victory, please.

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Well done Leo - have a beer

No wonder Leo was drinking cans the weekend

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Open it up to fuck.

The Munster championship round robin can still be salvaged.


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2m being discussed now by Professor Mary Horgan on RTE One. Says look at countries which reduce space and see if any spike in cases. Economy needs to open. Get back to life as we used to know it and Limerick being perennial under achievers.

I prefer this life. People are a pain in the hole.


1m is a formality, believe me

Leo! Leo! Leo!

I’m also starting to think we should open it up the fuck*

*Open it up a bit more

Most likely with masks being mandated.

We put it under pressure.

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Hold the line lads. The virus is going on holidays in August, we just need to wait until then.


You may address your Thank You letter c/o VFI

They have always only ever cared about the health of the nation and the risk of lads going buck ape drinking without a friendly publican to pull him up.

They are single handedly getting the nation back together. You’re more than welcome


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Lads I’m proud of you all. We say a prayer for those we’ve lost. But you’ve all been amazing.


Hospital down south on the mainland had to shut a and e today due to the number of covid admissions.