Coronavirus - Close the Airports

What’s this story about Leo breaking the social distancing rules with his pals?

Now is not the time to relax.

Hold the line.


A free for all. In the park with his mates and they all topless like skangers…


“Well done Ireland. Everyone should be very proud. But let’s remain vigilant and keep this virus under control.” - Post by Breda on Facebook. Liked by Maura and Nuala.


That’s enough.


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Wooly is shilling for Big Finance now? :hushed:

Kevin Myers on with Ivan Yates today has a seriously gloomy outlook for the Irish economy. I must say it was very depressing to listen to. He has zero faith in Irish politicians and the way they are going about things. Seems to think they’re flushing the people of Ireland and the economy down the toilet.

JP Morgan would have no interest in business steaming ahead sure.

Woolly wants his life back…

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Needs must :eek:

Myers isn’t really an economic authority is he. Tis easy be dismal.

Whatever he is or isn’t I hope he’s wrong.

Lot of disinformation on here… There were plenty of deaths today. Loads of old people with compromised immunities died of colds and flus…stay under that bed.


Take your bad buzz news to the Colds and Flus thread

This pandemic has laid waste to him. It’s sad to see how it can affect some.

Myers and Yates, and you kept listening…


The virus seems to have almost fizzled out. Very low deaths recorded today in France, Italy, Spain. Even US is in low 100s.
Karol Sikora seems to be the guy to follow.

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Trump called this months ago

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