Coronavirus - Close the Airports

17 deaths 73 new cases.

Hold the line lads

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Shower of absolute cunts, how is it not rampant in every nursing home?

I’d hazard a wild guess that properly run units are clean of this for a reason.

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Plain and simply correct.

The one we visit closed its doors to the public on 5th March. No cases. Very settled work force too.

The doctors have control now because we have no gubberment.

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The butcher Holohan is holding firm under the bed.

Like Trump double down on your point when your wrong

We are so close but you have girls blouses itching the boxes off themselves to OIUTF.

There are still clusters out there, we’re close though.

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Have you been able to get a regular supply of tampons sent to you under the bed?

I’ve been out working everyday, mate.

How’s the Little women cave holding up?

I’m over in Mrs o Sullivan’s with a few bro and sister in law’s sinking beers and atin BBQ

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Will ye double up in the jacks for quickies?

And none of them will mind your child for you.

What sort of Cark Kantz are they at all.

Ah lads…stick a fork in me. Some fucking spread done up there by Mrs O’S. Food, beer, company… It’s what summer is all about.

You should be ashamed of yourself

I know. I don’t know how I’ll do the 10k.


Because it’s Wednesday?

Good bit further than 5kms from mount oval?

Yeah… Mrs was in the Bons.

Mortality data from Italy. 96% of Covid-19 fatalities suffered from other illnesses, 60% of them with 3 or more illnesses (high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes the most common). Average age of death was 80. 1.1% of deaths were under age 50, even though 30% of those infected were under 50.