Coronavirus - Close the Airports

In one respect, this isn’t immediately important as schools aren’t back until September and other industries/activities have to be reopened safely first. But it doesn’t need the Minister for Education talking shite like this in an offhand manner either. He should have his department planning for how to fully reopen under different scenarios whether it be 1m or 2m physical distancing and so on. If that requires measures in addition to the basic precautions then so be it. It could mean repurposing of buildings and installation of bits and pieces, but he shouldn’t be casually throwing up barriers to it happening a good 3 months beforehand.

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In fairness to him flatty, he did that purely as a last resort. He sat down with AIB with various different proposals for repayment etc. If I remember correctly he even offered to give up the family home. AIB played hardball and gave him no choice.


There’ll be studies done on this.

I thought it interesting that the MLB serological study showed that less than 1% of MLB employees had Covid antibodies where as it was higher in the general population.

The majority of these employees are middle to upper class types, driving back from the Yankees or Mets HQs to their middle class homes.

Higher income persons (especially the younger more mobile ones) got Covid in the likes of New York, but there’s a big bracket of middle class people who didn’t. These people can work from home and also educate their children with the various tech and supports their schools provide.

It certainly isn’t easy, but it’s a lot easier than for underprivileged children. We pay taxes for a reason, and a good reason for that is that education is supported for all at a young age. Whilst I think we do have an excellent system generally, there is always a considerable lack of real debate on the topic in Ireland. We’re concerned about health, welfare and yes, taxes… then investing in the future isn’t there. It’s self preservation at all costs.

Is it a risk that the teacher Deidre lives with her 62 year old dad? Of course…but lots of things are and they aren’t
insurmountable. We can’t just wait around for children’s educations for months and months.


Do you mean Kneel Richmond?


Great guy Neale

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Not great on this issue?

Neale is a young FG TD looking to make a name for himself internally and externally.

I won’t deny it’s conservative. He’s a good guy overall though.

Didn’t Ireland amend the bankruptcy laws after Yatesy went to Wales?

A force for change.

What’s his background or what did he work at before?

I don’t get your point here? I’m not having a go I just don’t know what you’re getting at. You said there’s a considerable lack of debate on the topic. What topic do you mean?

Karma’s a bitch but the bastard got what he deserved

I’ll take that as a yes.

A yes to what? I wouldn’t be his biggest fan either but if I was having it out with him, its certainly not a stick I’d use to beat him with.

Yes it’s the same yatesy. We only have his word for his bankruptcy tourism tale.

He has and he hasn’t. He was on the ball before most alright but his lens is skewed by his own experience, he can’t see beyond that. There are completly different factors at play this time around

Will you make a bit of soup with him tomorrow?

What’s the story with the virus lads?

I’ll milk him for social media likes first

How long are you hunting bats to get that snap?

Simply having some savings stashed away in a bank account that doesn’t have any other activity can put your funds at risk of being seized. Money in dormant bank accounts is escheated (escheat; n.; Reversion of property to the state in the absence of legal heirs or claimants) to the state.

Fuck me. The Covid civil liberties grab just keeps rolling.