Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Devestating. A Mary I graduate very dear to my humble heart is seeing her class for the first time in ages tomorrow, and the last time this school year. She has to set up a table outdoors with 6 boxes outside for them to return their books and a plastic bag for whatever else. The tables are set out in a way to keep the school staff seperated from the kids and families, masks and gloves compulsary, at all times. The stuff returned then is not to be touched for at least 2 weeks.

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The value of education is not really debated.

Compare the discussion on health vs education.

We live in self preservation mode.

Fuck Yeats, being a peddler of sorrow snd misery by being a bookie is bad enough and reason in itself for being labelled a cunt, but buying bookie shops when the rest of the industry was moving online meant he was a stupid cunt to boot.


They have been doing that for 20 years here

Good article.


0 confirmed and 0 suspected Covid-19 cases on site at Wexford General Hospital.

Meanwhile, I have it on bad authority that a Wexford county council employee took pictures of cars parked up at Ballinesker beach earlier this week, telling a bystander that the pictures would be shared with the council elders and the gardai.



Build a wall to keep the dubs out

Summed it all well here…
“The obedient public was originally told it must endure temporary lockdown to flatten the curve, but now it is being told to flatten small retail and tourism too with an anvil of caution.”


Thinking of going to town to do the shopping.

Decided against it as there is a risk I might crash the car.

Thinking of getting up actually. But didn’t because might have an accident.

Thinking of getting my breakfast. Didn’t because I might choke.

I’m under the bed with the phone at the moment. I may plug that out too as it might go on fire.


If this thing tells us anything its that the majority of people in this country wouldn’t take 9/4 on a coin toss.


No that’s not accurate. The majority of people are grand. Still have their jobs or know they’ll get them back. It’s the minority are being fucked over

People including experts cannot assess risk.

The Undoing Project is a great book about the flaws in how we think. Depending on how something is framed people will give completely contradictory responses to same issue.

Irish-focused study finds no evidence that Covid-19 was transmitted in schools before government closures


Good shout, perhaps there was no transmission in our schools as the virus didnt get in before they were closed


Cc. @ministerforeducation. You have your excuse now

Yeah. It’s a great little country.

What are the legs on the bed like? Is there a risk they could break and you’d be crushed?

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Some countries build emergency hospitals some countrie pay billionaires to rent empty ones