Coronavirus - Close the Airports

6 deaths

39 cases

6 deaths 39 new cases.

Hard to justify locking us down any more. Small businesses have a right to survive.


The fizzling out continues.

It’s fizzled out like Limerick hurling.

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Both are coming roaring back this winter


We’re not there yet lads, stay the course

Why are we still restricted? This thing is done over a month now… Business owners must be suicidal by this stage.


Paddy the last idiots left as usual…

It’s one of the most pointless restrictions anyway. If they relaxed that and kept everything else there would be absolutely no difference in transmission

It’s bollox alright. 5km whether you live in roundstone or rathmines

What will the curtain twitchers do if we lift the restrictions?

They will start attending their weekly Fine Gael Branch meetings again.



Got the e mail today. Back to work the 8th


I saw Breda on facebook there complaining about the Dubs coming down to Wexford again this weekend. She says that what they are doing is sending couriers to bring down their luggage and that they drive down then for the weekend. Understandably, people are furious over the scumbag Dubs and their corona virus infecting us poor Wexicans. But Breda* is adamant the cunts are at it and will be down in their droves. Although no one actually asked her why in the name of fuck are they sending a courier with “luggage” when they are driving down anyway, seeing as the guards really dont give a fuck and dont search cars. Mobile faces they are also being referred as. Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean.

*real name not Breda, but some wan really did post up the above “facts”.


The plan for the return to school is comedy gold.

Joe McHugh is one for the people who look slow thread.

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The local primary school here has been inundated with requests from parents to let their kids repeat repeat the year. That seems a bit mad to me.

I also heard loads of children are pulling out of doing T.Y around the country as it really will be a complete waste of time if we are still social distancing come September.