Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m sure losing 3 months of primary school will make fuck all difference.

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People are stupid. That’s the reality of it. The kids are doomed from the word go.

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It’s more lies

That’s what I figured. I think they’ve missed sixty days. I didn’t think it would matter much.

Make them go back early August and no mid terms to make up time. I say majority learnt more over last few weeks anyway

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You’re one of the curtain twitcher brigade aren’t ya?

I’m from a coastal area and keep seeing the usual guff. “Please God they’ll all STAY AWAY. We want to keep it at zero. PROTECT WEXFORD”. There was even roadblocks on approach roads to some caravan parks at one point.

Society is being torn apart. The Government has had a shocker after a good opening. I’ll be letting Eoghan know next time I’m speaking to him. #OIUABMTF


It’s becoming abundantly clear that despite the OIUTF bravado of some posters (cc @Bandage) of Wexford birth (explained by having been fortified by living half their life in Dublin) that the Slaneysiders have completely exposed themselves as a county of bedwetters during this crisis.

While other counties figured out the “new normal” and got on with life it would seem that most of Wexford has spent the time cowering under the bed frantically scanning social media searching for any mention of “The Dubs”

There’ll surely be PhDs written (in lesser regional techs obviously) discussing if this deep-rooted windiness partially explains the regular humiliation experienced on the hurling field over the last quarter of a century.


The HSE Tracing app is going into testing this week :grinning:


Not a moment too soon :raised_hands:

How much money have the cunts spent reinventing the wheel?

Yella bellies

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Wasnt their a crowd in Galway that had one designed about a month ago on the news

Good morning to you. I hope you’re all safe and sound.

And come up with triangle.

Which they will remind us is the strongest of all shapes.

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I kindly ask you please not to ever use that expression.

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I wouldn’t mind, but this virus could ultimately give us a better chance of winning things. A “new normal” with remote working and increased numbers living in the county could surely be leveraged by the GGA. It’s grim reading on the comments sections of local newspapers, radio stations and community group social media pages alright. I haven’t gotten involved since taking on the inverse misogyny crew last summer when they were raging at the Wexford Intermediate Ladies’ Football team not sharing top billing with the Senior Hurling Team on the front page of the local paper when they won their respective Leinster titles.


For the first time since it started in Europe the coronavirus is not the lead piece on the Guardian app. OIUTF

There was 125k cases recorded yesterday, the highest on record. But ya. It’s done.

Fucking hell.

324 people died in the UK, from or with covid 19. The fact that now seems insignificant to the news isn’t great is it

Let’s get the party going for when Liverpool get their 6 points. Woohoo