Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I’m not reading that, the reason being your opening question.

You’ve wasted a bit of time there.

We both know you are and we both know why :wink: now toddle along, kid.

Are you unaware theres a phased plan of reopening? Theres a planned approach at getting out of it safely and securely.

I’m looking at this plan for opening the schools in Ireland here now, have those fucking apes running the country lost the plot?

I’m actually completely mystified by this odd accusation of me ‘following you around’?
I just can’t remember anything, I reply to nearly everybody and I may have replied to you but I’m just lost!

I’d be glad to make a further donation to the weekends charity if you can provide evidence of this. I don’t like when fellas just make things up.

It sounds like your feelings are really hurt, mate.

The minister for education thinks we might not ever open up the schools again.

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Lads get a bit ornery when it gets above 20 degrees

I just don’t understand what you were trying to do, somebody replies to you and you consider it ‘following you around’, then you can’t or won’t back it up?

You clearly have a very very high opinion of yourself, I don’t ever think of you, just chuckled at your very aggressive post a while ago where you talked about punching people in the street :grinning:

You made mother Teresa cry mate

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FAO of @Horsebox

You seem to be unaware that this is happening

Also, you’re advocating all pressure be put on SME’s to bear the burden of this.

You do realise not all employees will miraculously return to work and that the state will still have a huge burden, when these places open up and operate at a loss.

Just opening it up willy nilly isn’t a silver bullet

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Everything is shut and has been for months but we can’t open cos we can’t risk having everything shut…


You may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb

Can we not just fence the Dubs in and let everyone else get on with their lives.

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Do you think opening up and being compliant is free?

Also, you’ve probably been the biggest mental health advocate on here? Do you think people wouldnt be affected if we opened up too quickly and had to roll back?

Theres a phased plan in place to get the country back open. What exactly is the problem?

I’m no socialist… I’m left on some things, right on others. Like most people I suspect.

Take away 85 year olds, who were already on the way out, from the covid deaths and our figures are very, very low… So low the rest of the world would be looking at us like we’re insane to be still in lock down… it’s bizarre.


Point taken on the 85 year olds. But people have been very sick that aren’t that age and had to go into critical care.

Theres a plan in place to open up the country in a gradual manner that is there to mitigate the risk of rolling back.

It’s slow, but we’ve been slow on everything. Slow in, slow testing, slow out.

We have a caretaker government

We have no gov… Leo handed over power to Tony and was happy to take early plaudits but once the hard decisions have to be made he’s no where to be seen. An exit strategy is fine, but we’re gonna be 3 months behind everyone else and by the time their getting second wave we’ll be supposed to be opening up but will be forced straight into lockdown again… Let the people live for a few months…why won’t you let them live?

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I’m not making policy. I don’t agree with everything, I’m not saying I understand all the restrictions but I can see why there’s caution.

I don’t agree with people undermining everything got to do with the lockdown and the approach. Belittling what we’ve been asked to do and the majority of people are continuing to do.

It isn’t just old people affected. The highest incidence of ICU admission was for the 55-64 age bracket.

The elderly people just died without a chance