Coronavirus - Close the Airports

God is watcing us, from a social distance


do what you are told by the guards in Ireland, it is the new normal

This chap from Adare? My sister knew his brother ‘very well’ for a number of years. Very sad case. Supposed to be lovely, healthy woman. Non smoker and drinker, runner.

Edit: I’ve watched the clip now and it’s her alright

I understand the original rationale. To leave the way it is is bonkers.

Yep they are from adare.

Next week is a very important week. We should start seeing whether or not the first phase of relaxed restrictions has lead to an increase in cases

The fucking thing will go through the roof as soon as restrictions are eased. This will never be controlled. It’s a total cod. Let out it out in the community for herd immunity and shield the vulnerable. Normal people need to get on with their lives. 7 out of 10 people don’t even know they have it for fuck sake

You’d be happy enough to sacrifice your parents so a few lads can go to the pub?You’re goin to be old yourself someday you know.


Lads this can’t go on… Mrs O’Sullivan cooked up the works on the BBQ again tonight…you name it , it was cooked and atin. About 10 of us over… They have to end this lockdown and give the woman her life back or she’ll kill me with all this grub. Smashing evening tho.


I find I ate away too much when barbecuing, I’ll have a burger while I’m cooking, then a steak and another burger when I sit down.And anything the kids leave behind.No wonder the yanks are so fat


There’s plenty of fat cunts in Ireland.

It’s impossible not to make a pig of yourself at a BBQ…steak, burger, sausage, chicken and prawns… potatoes, salads, mozzarella with tomato… Meringues, fresh fruit and ice-cream for pudding.

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TBF I normally ate 2 plates of food for my dinner.

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Also Makes sense as to why vitamin D is so important…

We now have a situation where businesses/bars/restaurants/schools are spending thousands designing their properties for social distancing while we also have parties and BBQs with zero social distancing going on in every town and village in the country.

Are we back in no man’s land again we are?

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You’re wasting your breath. Normal people? What’s normal about lads roaring at their mothers for coming to visit the kids, or lads spouting tales of woe “oh, my sister knew this lad’s uncle and tis awful sad so tis”? The majority want nothing to do with herd immunity. They’ve made a nice little cocoon for themselves, working from under the bed.

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They’ll cut the covid payment shortly. That’ll rattle a few lads back into action

:rofl: They’ll protest then

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I personally couldn’t do it. I was one of the lucky ones. We were put on lockdown but we were payed full whack for the time off. We’re back on the 8th. I was and still am of the the opinion that the lockdown was the right approach. But its served its purpose now and with some adjustments life needs to get back to normal. I dont think it’s right for me to be getting fully paid for sitting on my hole.


Putting the teachers on 350 a week will have the schools up and running pronto