Coronavirus - Close the Airports

FFG and those moon units from the Greens will put together a government by the end of the week.

In attempt to get a bit of early good PR they’ll announce that Phases 2 & 3 will be combined from June 8th.

The junta will say that it was always their view that restrictions could be eased earlier once there was no further spread.

We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

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They’ll drop the travel rule just in time for the weather to break

Still too late

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Is not

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Whatever about some of the other restrictions, I really don’t think the travel one makes sense.
I get the fear we’ll all go to the beach or whatever, but police the beaches then not the roads.

They were stopping people going to banna the other night unless you lived within 5k. Fair enough maybe, but banna is literally 10km’s long.

Instead of stopping people from going and enjoying a nice sunny day on the beach, could the Guards not just tell them to spread out to fuck. People can drink cans topless in Phoenix park then. It’s so arbitrary


This would no more work… :roll_eyes:

In that scenario could the teachers then stop working, wrong time to be saying this now but back on March 12 would you and others have been happy for teachers to go home, leave the laptop shut and collect 350 a week? I don’t make much more than that anyway


At some stage we have to let people have personal responsibility for their actions

Then do that. A guard going up and down the beach roaring to spread out to fuck is a d’unbelievables sketch.

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They are already doing that in parks and along the canal in Dublin

You’ve seen that I take it? You were worried about living in a police state only a few weeks ago

I’d rather the cunts fucked away with their nonsense lockdown altogether, but if they are to persist with their lunacy, then they could at least let us go where we want in the meantime

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So… back to OUITF? :man_shrugging:t2:

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The O’Irish are incredibly weak of mind sadly.

Back to?

Your OIUABMTF suggestion needs work

36 in ICU

Teachers have been working from home on zoom and Microsoft Teams etc. Some have had the challenge of predicted grading thrown at them too.