Coronavirus - Close the Airports

You surely do make a good bit more than €350 a week?

Mickey Martin says FG should open it up ta fuck, or he’ll do it for them :clap:

I made more money selling tiles and bathrooms in the 90s, it’s certainly not for the money I’m doing it

But the question remains for whoever raised the issue, would teachers downing tools for 350 a week be preferable

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I was talking to a local copper at the beginning of phase 1. He’s a good bloke. His basic advice was to not take the piss. He said they wouldnt be getting out a measuring tape.

@Raylan. He was getting at something I didnt want to push him on, but I think he was saying they’re limited in the questions they’re allowed ask at the checkpoints

Sure it all comes back to common sense. As you were saying yourself you brought the family outside the 5k but still kept away from crowds. If you are doing that very few guards will have an issue with it I’d imagine.

People have generally made a huge effort but then you get scenes like in Salthill with maybe young lads and the likes of @Tank and @Julio_Geordio that want their cans and their freedom from tyranny at the same time.

Ye can’t be doin’ that lads.

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I’m going to a beach that’s circa 10km away today, theres on circa 5km away but that will be rammed. The further away one will have noone on it as it’s only known to locals


No that’s pushing up on 20k

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Ballycroneen today

Load of gang from midleton and beyond land at inch and white bay. I don’t blame them. It’s hard keep kids occupied this weather


I might feel differently, but I’d hold the line nonetheless.
I don’t feel like going to work most days, but off I toddle.

That’s it indeed.

I was seething this morning about all the house parties that were on last night around the place, mainly people just a bit younger than me. I was thinking if this thing was wiping out their age group they’d be all over Twitter demanding people stay at home and stay apart.

But in reality I was just seething because I wasn’t invited to any.

Every generation is broadly the same.


Was out on the bike this morning up in the peaks. The cat and fiddle pub (closed and reopening as a distillery)is a well known meeting spot. There were about 300 people up there on motorbikes/ pushbikes/ hiking milling about in the sun. There was one police car there with two police people (on of whom was a pretty blonde lass).
They were relaxed, smiling and sensible. Just there as a gentle nudge not to take the piss, which is all a sensible police/Garda wants.

The lockdown is not to protect the elderly. It’s to protect the health service. If it was about the elderly then the care homes wouldn’t have been ignored.


Most people under 65 are not affected by this. Its absolutely insane what has happened. The world’s economy has been destroyed to keep a few auld fellas in their 80’s alive 6 months longer

It’s an awful way to die though, flippancy like that is just gonna piss people off

The HSE were allowed to be the sole decision makers and naturally enough just protected their own patch.

Economy’s can be rebuilt, lives can’t.

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Plenty of people with far more living left on the clock than those on the home stretch in nursing homes will take their lives after their business is destroyed from this.

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Anyone who takes his or own life over a business failing is misguided, to put it most kindly. It’s utter shite to throw out that line as if it justifies it.