Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Why? Are you the suicide adjudicator?

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It’s a fact, whatever way you look at it.
You’d be as well saying that anyone who dies out cycling was asking for it.

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Twas you that equated the value of life to the relative success or otherwise of an enterprise. Businesses prosper and/or fail all the time, none of them are worth a life at the end of the day.


It’s not a fact, it’s a supposition. Your cycling analogy is absurd.

You said anyone who takes their life over a failed business venture is “misguided to put it most kindly” it’s a fact there will be multitudes of deaths for that very reason if this drags on much longer, your distate on the underlying reason someone has taken their life wont change that.


This is a brilliant point and missed by many including me. If the health service collapses it’ll effect a lot more than the elderly.

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Myself and @peddlerscross are in the peak of our lives here.

Drinking dirty cans on cider in this room when we should be in the local. Into a lovely beer garden around 6 followed by the inevitable chase of a ride from some 3/10’bird that you hate.

All because some 92 year old is supposed to live another 6 months. OIUTF


watching a repeat of a game of spud hockey on tv that nobody bothered watching live at the venue



It isn’t. It has been documented time and again throughout history that financial hardship has led to suicide. Lockdown on the other hand is supposition.


Something that might yet, but has not happened is not a fact, one way or the other.
I don’t feel that people equating businesses failing and suicides as an inevitable corollary is a good thing either, but yeah, if people equate economic success to their own self-worth that can and will happen. That doesn’t make it any more understandable imo.


Absolutely, financial struggles, women troubles, depression, terminal illness and on and on apparently now though people are judged on the reason of their suicides. Are some worth more than others is there a scale now?

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The only fools in Europe with an internal travel restriction

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That won’t be lifted for two months yet. You could not make it up

Like a coronavirus surge overwhelming the HSE?


You’re off on a tangent now

Paddy never really moved on from the clutches of the Catholic Church, he’s happy to take orders from lads who were well educated.

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The HSE is overwhelmed every time there’s a cold snap

The weak ones won’t like that up em


@carryharry Showing in two back to back posts the perfect example of hypocrisy.