Coronavirus - Close the Airports



According to the “experts” like Dr Cervical, hundreds of thousands were meant to be dead by now. The whole thing us a cod and people under 65 are being forced to throw their lives away ffs

You’ll be okay in your Big House bro, forget about the Little people

Jealous of a total stranger on the INTERNET from a throwaway quip that went over your slap head over a year ago :grin: beautiful.

Sure people in Ireland only die from covid 19 now. And the stupid cunts swallow it hook line and sinker. Holding the line as told by an incompetent chancer Dr cervical

It’s been the best 3 months of my life to date both in family time terms & work. Make or take the positives of the hand yer dealt lads.


Some day we will be back :pray:

Get real. It’s been a nightmare mate

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Goway before your head makes you fall over.

He’s another suicide adjudicator mate, leave him off.

So long as you’re happy

Luckily my relatives & friends are all safe. Best year i can remember tbh

Well for something so trivial it has stuck in your craw long enough.

Up there on the big hill in the big house is a wonderful vantage point for your adjudications mate.

I am bro, thanks

@Watchyourtoes hates the riff raff beneath him, not a nice quality.

Funny how it’s the mental health advocates are always the ones to shoot down anybody who expresses some level of contentment with the situation we’ve been forced into

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You would love suicide to be a criminal act again id say, despicable.

Call the maids kid, you need a snack.