Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Woeful stuff here.

I’ve bookmarked this.

What kind of a clown thinks someone could be jealous of a gaff they’ve never seen or been in.:rofl:

Ok… so now a backtrack and an attempted reversal, this is brilliant :laughing:

Jealous eh?

You are the one bringing it up not me! Check your temperature the sun has fried your head.

It’s okay, bro.

I thought london was hopping yet you are posting on the internet?:grinning::grinning::grinning:

I hope so id hate to see you bring it up again when Limerick smack Tipp in October!

Some people boast alot mate, it’s normal.

They’re generally the ones saying the lockdown was a waste of time as well.

I can’t think of a worse message to put out there for mental wellbeing

You could say “well every other country is open but you can’t stir more than 5k for two more months”

That’d be worse

What countries are open mate?

Is that really worse than saying everything you’ve done for 3 months has been a waste of time? Really

Lots of the US is open. Italy open next week. Most will be open long before us at the rate we’re going.

I believe it is yes. Isolation is incredibly damaging to people’s mental health.

You can go and meet people outside the home for the last while mate. You can go 20km and do it from the next phase and people can come to your house.

This is what I don’t get, the restrictions are being lifted and you’re still bitching about the restrictions.

I’m optimistic about them being lifted. I can’t wait for the next one

Telling people they put their lives on hold for 3 months for nothing is worse, in my humble opinion.

They’re being lifted at a snails pace - I think that’s the issue… there’s no good reason for them to drag them out for so long other than stalling to see how the rest of the world gets on and if there’s a second wave we’ll be on another extension of lockdown without any reprieve when it’s clear this thing is done bar nursing homes and the staff that work there.

Let the people live …

2 deaths 66 new cases.

South Korea imposed restrictions in and around Seoul after getting 55 cases.

We just had more today. If this thing gets into the community it can get wild quick.

If South Korea jumped off a bridge in the morning would you do the same?

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I always wanted to say that line … an absolute shut down of a line that mothers used with success for years.

I don’t understand how the easing of restrictions at a snail’s pace can be justified for health reasons when in doing so it means cancer screenings are halted indefinitely, people are not being diagnosed in various settings and access to consultants has been unilaterally revoked in several instances.

There’s a potentially significant adverse health impact of continuing down this path too. That’s apart from the previously mentioned affect on people’s livelihoods and mental health and so on.

The CMO said the virus has effectively been extinguished from the community, yet they’re persisting with this elongated wind down.

If we’re to take it that the CMO isn’t bullshitting then they should surely be able to keep it relatively under control while skipping through the phases in a shorter timeframe.

Especially given people are now fully conditioned about physical distancing and all the other stuff.

It’s not throwing anyone to the wolves; it’s continuing to maintain good habits and exercising caution with vulnerable groups but looking to reopen society for a large portion of the community.

I find it OBSCENE.