Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Let them see the effects of the first phase before jumping in with both feet eh?

Yes…That makes sense but other countries are ahead of us . They seem to be ok

My good friend @anon98850436 made a good point to me today though but it was a private conversation so I wont share

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It’s due to the absolute mess the HSE is in, brought to you by decades of FF/FG governance.

Eh me bollix.

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There will come a point where, regardless of whether the virus is being spread or not, things will have to open. Lockdown can’t last much longer in its current guise

Is there anyone even still taking the lockdown seriously?

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This is incorrect. A lot of this stuff is back in business.

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A lot of, not all. Far from it.

That is a very good post.

Lots of people are still t as king it seriously I’d say, and probably getting really pissed off watching people hosting large gatherings in their neighborhoods, there could be a lot of local fallout over this,
Facts are that many people are taking the government and expert medical advice for fear of themselves or more particularly passing it on to elderly loved ones or the famous immuno compromised people in their lives,
To ridicule their efforts as has become de rigeur on this site is in bad taste imo,

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Nah. Absolutely no one in Galway is bothered with it anymore, the young the old, the brave and the bold all out today. The streets and beaches jointed as they say down in Langerville. Even the not so brave have grown a pair and are back living their lives again. Prevailent attitude seems to be if some people want to stay in let them but we’ve done our bit

We are nearly there guys.


Lads need to relax, keep the green jersey on.

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this only affects auld lads in their 80’s . The whole of Ireland has been asked to give up the rest of their life to save geriatrics who were going to die in 4 months anyway. Its absolutely insane. When the inquiry happens, people will go what the fuck were people and the government thinking? this is world war 2 shit and what happened? fuck all at the end of the day. 1300 dead or something. the country sent back into the 1930’s ffs

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We are getting very close.

We need an infomercial reminding us of a few big weeks with Tipperary hurlers pointing at their head after scoring.


All travel restrictions gone on the 8th of June. Us ballsy guys that ignored them anyway have one more week of traffic bliss

Blow the fucking thing up before we have no country left

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Just stay away from old people.