Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Who’s that fucking creep



Mickey Martin has said enough is enough

The decision has been made to OIUTF

Where are you seeing this?

I’m seeing it on the grapevine.


No misinformation here please

Hold firm lads. Hold firm.


Be a good little boy

The weak are cracking


They need to come out from under the bed and live again…

I shared that 6 posts up…

Who’s turn is it to drop the paper in to @Horsebox’s mam today?

Kinahan-associated inmates transferred after failed protest

Conor Gallagher

Several Mountjoy inmates connected to the Kinahan organised crime group have been dispersed throughout the prison system to prevent them stirring up discontent over the coronavirus restrictions in the north Dublin facility.

Two sets of brothers, Gary and Glen Thompson and Scott and Mark Capper, were believed to be behind attempts to organise strikes in the prisoner population in protest against the strict restrictions which have so far kept the system free of coronavirus.

Another man who is serving a sentence for a violent assault in Dublin was also believed to be involved.

The men, most of whom have been employed or associated with the Kinahan gang, were unhappy with the movement restrictions as they have almost completely stopped the flow of illegal drugs into the system.

A ban on visitors and reductions in yard times for prisoners mean it has become much harder to smuggle drugs in.

The Thompson brothers are serving lengthy sentences for planning the assassination of Kinahan rival Patsy Hutch. Mark Capper was sentenced to 7½ years last week in relation to the same offence.

Scott Capper, an associate of a Finglas-based criminal gang associated with the Kinahans, is serving 3½ years for assaulting a tourist at a nightclub, while the fifth man is serving a 27-month sentence for a knife attack in a separate feud.

The five men, along with a number of others, are suspected of trying to persuade prisoners to refuse to return from the exercise yard when directed on Wednesday and Thursday. Inmates working in the kitchen were also instructed to go “on strike”.

However, the scheme fell apart when the majority of prisoners refused to go along with the plan. Sources say that, despite some frustration, there is broad support for the current movement restrictions across the prison system.

The incident was first reported in the Sunday World and the Irish Mirror.

All five men have now been moved to other prisons. A handful of other prisoners have been issued with disciplinary notices.

Ireland’s prison population is one of the few in Europe to remain free of Covid-19.

333 new cases in Italy yesterday.
257 new cases in France
201 in Spain.
200 in Germany.

Europe is getting very close to getting rid of this with this going by the numbers, a lot of these countries have been 5 or 6 weeks into eased restrictions now.

If only science was able to give us some definitive answers then we might be able to start getting back to some sort of normality. They can’t though, we have been utterly failed by them.

He has you on ignore

Who has who on ignore mate?

I’d love to see the list truth be told. A real who’s who of soft cocks.