Coronavirus - Close the Airports

The weakest of the weak.

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The lads with hidden profiles? Afraid to stand over what they’ve posted

You’d probably have to go back a few hundred years to find the last great scientist.

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Marie Curie? Einstein? Planck? Salk? Turing?

Einstein was the last great scientist

So retract your couple of hundred years comment? - Turing gave you computers and the device you’re using to make a fool of yourself on - no love for him?


On an anonymous Internet forum. Jesus wept


You are not allowed to have sex now, thats the latest. I can’t believe what is happening over this load of bollix.

sit in your gaff for the next 10 years then no one will die, I can’t actually believe what has happened to Ireland

This should be a permanent thing. Something o my allowable where the two parties have a certificate of marriage.


Wrights in T1 looks like it is preparing to reopen. OIUTF

is that wrights of howth? they do a lovely bit of smoked salmon

Yep. It’s very tasty but the price of it in the airport means it’s really only available to the likes of @PhattPike.


I wouldn’t be in Dublin airport often But i’d always buy a big lump of it when I pass through

Why use Dublin when Shannon is there? Greatest airport in the land

Big sigh of relief from Tipperary.


I used to go home every 3 weeks. Best airport in the world. It’s gone now though. It’s never coming back. All over a total cod of a flu that hardly affects anyone under 65

1 death 77 new cases.

Hold firm now lads. Nearly at the end game.

Dr Sam wants us locked up/down until there are ZERO cases. By God.

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