Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I thought Dr Sam was the sensible one?

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He’s a dangerous lunatic.


I think he joined SFIRA at some point did he not.

Phases 4 and 5 are to be pulled back to June 29 nearly there lads

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Great to see. Lads have largely been doing the right thing. You’ll always have the bad eggs, but you won’t change them sorts sadly.

Nearly there.

Limerick went down by 35 and passed them over to Clare it seems.

The nursing home must have been on the border … is it the one in Westbury I wonder?

Have they said how many of these are in the community?

No idea.

Big spike in the number of cases in Cork too.

Kepak in Watergrasshill is riddled with it.

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The testing centre in Wexford is flah ouh.

Take that Clare

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Possibly that is over the bridge. Heard it was riddled but 35 dead would be a lot. There is a home in the two mile inn now. That is just over the border too

It’s just cases, not dead

6 days out now from Phase II, got to make sure the public don’t get too excited

It this a clinical term?

Lovely little kite there. Keep the lads on edge, make sure everyone is glued to the press conference later in the week. Textbook

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We’ll be back to Phase 0 by next week thanks to the Irish chapter of the BLM movement.

Apologies cases would make sense so

Buff Egan calling this out on Instagram right now.

the morons in charge are absolutely destroying the country, economically and socially