Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Yeah, Johnson and Cummins are doing an awful job.

But but but the surge could occur at anytime! Even though it didn’t occur when the country was riddled with it after the hooray Henrys came back from Cheltenham and the posh lads came back from skiing in Lombardy.

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Is there any real argument against this?

So even at the height of numbers and deaths, the private hospitals sat empty yet capacity is an issue? And Leo, the main proponent of operation ‘hide under your bed’ now wants you to join a mass gathering to protest?

You can only laugh.

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Lock down your aerial.

Turn up your hearing aid pal.

it was the same shite here, they built a humongous emergency hospital with 4000 beds in the excel centre in East London, at the height of it only 34 lads were in it, the whole is total fucking cod. It hardly affects anyone under sixty five, but the whole world has been destroyed economically to keep a few 84 year olds in nursing homes alive another 4 months. You couldn’t make it up

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Public hospitals not fit for purpose.

Brought to you by decades of FF/FG mismanagement, corruption and greasing the palms of wealthy private interests.


That’s because the electorate only want their potholes filled and their taxes cut.

There’s nothing anonymous about TFK. Nothing…

Personal hygiene mate.

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Under the bed.


Was at the garden centre in Malahide there and came back through Malahide and Porto.

It was stunningly beautiful

It was fairly full already and I reckon it will be manic later.

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Good stuff, most people are starting to see sense now. We’ll have to be a bit patient with the lads left under the bed covered in their own shit but we’ll get them out eventually too.

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We’ve battered the fuck out of this disease in the South East.

It seems that landlocked counties are far more likely to suffer. The lack of sea air is a big thing I’d say.

Very low incidence of it on the peninsula now that you mention it and the two nursing homes out here escaped entirely.

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Thank fuck for the border … keeping those high risk bastards hemmed in.

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, a Corona Curtain has descended across the Continent

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How does on go about getting a negative test result?