Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Interesting that Poland is marked as low risk considering they haven’t really reduced their daily new case count, still hovering between 300-400 new cases a day.


Any govt criticism yet of the gimps “protesting” yesterday? Fucking wankers probably still refreshing their social media feeds in the hope of getting more likes…

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They’ll get plenty more ‘likes’ than you do on TFK anyway.

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The LIDTF lads cannot reconcile these protests. If there is no risk to these assemblies we should be told.

TFK Edgelords

‘it’s only the flu’
‘hiding under the bed’
‘The Mick’s do what they’re told’
etc, etc…

People march against institutionalised racism

TFK Edgelords

‘We are all going to die’


Yeah it’s either one or the other. If mass gatherings are ok, then they are ok.

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Same lads who marched yesterday were most vocal in calling for Paddy’s Day parade to be called off.

Lads are entitled to protest. But they cannot have it both ways and wring their hands at crowds attending a match or an outdoor music concert.

Did you do a survey?


Cheers mate

Just back from tennis

The village packed

I did.

It’s accuracy may be doubtful but that is no bar to any statistical analysis of anything Covid 19 related.

Fair play

Have you ever been to Trieste? Meant to be a lovely place

Absolutely. Protest all ya want.

But surely, in a time where people can’t go to a loved one’s funeral or visit immediate family more than 5k away, that kind of gathering is a blatant breach of the COVID restrictions.

As yet there hasn’t been a peep from anyone in government (to my knowledge) condemning it.


Those numbers are fairly low in relative terms. Poland has a population of 30-40m?

It’s consistent with the rules being increasingly seen as arbitrary and more to do with optics and protecting decision makers rather than protecting the public.

The 5km travel limit No matter where you live is an example of a complete nonsense.


Hard to justify Ireland not mandating masks

Keeping at least 1-metre apart and wearing face masks and eye protection are the best ways to cut the risk of coronavirus infection, according to the largest review to date of studies on coronavirus disease transmission, Reuters reports.

In a review that pooled evidence from 172 studies in 16 countries, researchers found frequent handwashing and good hygiene are also critical – though even all those measures combined can not give full protection.

Yeah relatively low numbers per head of population must be the rationale. They haven’t really reduced the daily case numbers but they never went into the thousands. Haven’t even breached 600 in fact.

I don’t fish for validation on here.

They said they weren’t necessary first, that half-recommendation to start with them at the last announcement has been largely ignored