Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Was there much left on the shelves? I’ve been meaning to go in but theres queues every time I pass now.

Swedes are being ostracised from the Med countries that are opening up for tourists. Greeks not allowing flights in from Sweden. Others likely to follow.

Very low on herbs and no tomato plants.

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The whole schengen area experiment looks to be dead in the water

Would you take your chances with a good looking Swedish bird now if put it on a plate for you?

Woodies was cleaned out of hoses and sprinklers earlier.

Lawns are taking a hammering in this dry spell cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

He was out in the garden with wife number 4 doing a bit of work there today


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8 deaths

10 cases


Just days away now lads. You’ve all done smashing.

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Only 4 more phases to go.



Dr Laura Durcan, vice-president of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA), says it is inevitable we will have a second wave of Coronavirus.

She said it was necessary to “keep the reins super tight” on reopening society because healthcare infrastructure in Ireland remains “dreadful”.

She said: “We know that there will be a second surge. The European Centre for Disease Control say it is inevitable, and what we want is a small peak and not a big one.”

Gardai investigating the protest

They have had 12 weeks to plan and build capacity to handle a large influx. I’d ask what have they been doing while we have been under the bed? We were asked to flatten the curve to buy them time to build capacity


You need to relax with this under the bed thing, it’s very childish. Try be zen.

Traffic jams are back. Stick a fork in it.

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Last weekend lockdown crumbled… There’s people everywhere since… Blow it up ref! No point to it at all now…

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The BLM marches yesterday showed even the Gardai and politicians know its over

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From the tone of dr tony on it is he knows too.

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