Coronavirus - Close the Airports

We may look back at this as the biggest over reaction in history


Have the officials found a way to climb down yet?

The GDPR of 2020

Hiya lads , I hope you’re all keepiing well.

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I can see lecturers of sociology and economics in university getting years of assignments out of this and the fuck up. We have had pandemics previously up to 60s and it was a case of continue on and take extra care. My grandfather never seen anything like this despite living through an Ireland that had tb and polio which were eradicated. I believe there was a swine flu in the late 60s on same scale as this and we heard nothing of it. Measals which is an awful disease was very common upto 30 years ago.

The steps taken were understandable with the fearmongering that was going on but the biggest mistake will be the doubling down on it that we in particular are doing. The more adult countries are opening up while we’re talking about having a lot of things locked down for another couple of months at an enormous cost. We will have to become more active in pulling some lads from out under the bed over the coming weeks.

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Absolute mayhem getting on and off the peninsula today. Thanks be to Christ the summer is over today. Queue into SuperValu is now made up mostly of day trippers going in to buy cans. The cunts.

Crisis of awareness. We’ve a fetish about people dying now. I say it as somebody with old parents. Obviously I don’t want them to die but there is an immaturity in expecting people to live forever and locking down a country indefinitely

Countries where the virus was breaking out in Feb/March seem to more or less have it fairly under control now bar England and the USA.

And Ireland. We are locked down.


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Can hear the rìrà and ruaille buaille on the Burrow beach still. Must be wedged with revellers.

He wouldn’t have a hope in hell of not slowing phase 2 to happen

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Would they ever fuck off. We’ve completely lost all perspective.

A heartbreaking piece on the 9 o’clock news this evening about kids with intellectual disabilities and how much their parents are struggling with their schools closed.

And you have people telling them they need to suck it up. Fuck sake. We’ve lost the plot. I’m out, guys.


I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.


Only Micky Martin can save us now. That’s how fucking bad things are

Sure it’s all fellas that just want a pint calling for the opening. Hold firm/hold the line/some other bullshit.

10 new cases seems almost wrong , almost like a spreadsheet error!

if 10 is accurate, great news

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Did she want the school to baby sit the kids?