Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Brendan O Carroll, headline news on RTE? For jaysus sake. It’s like BBC quoting Jim Davidson…

Viroligist from UCD on Prime Time is good here. He’s basically saying OIUTF

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It’s effectively over.

Dr Gerald Barry. I hadn’t seen him before. It was basically a calls to arms to lads to get out from under the bed.

That was a tough watch.

You should stay at home though pal.

Yates getting an awful chasing here on Bog 3. An awful spoofer.

just a few more days under the bed… nearly there now.

Pretty much all ASD units in school have sensory room where kids with autism can go into when they get overwhelmed or over stimulated. The loss of that particular outlet is incalculable.

There is no compelling reason not to be re-opening for July provision. There’s 12 kids in the ASD unit where my son is, within a mainstream school.


Would these kids generally be in school the whole year round?

Immunologist Luke O’Neill is sound. He’s my favourite now (sorry Sam McConkey). A bit of devilment in him and having a good argy bargy with Yates here. He thinks the time has come for Tony Holohan’s daily press conference to be shelved, but he’s anti OIUTF for now. He also dismissed some Stanford biology Nobel Prize winner for talking shite.

We just need Holohan/Harris/Varadkar to come up with some way of climbing down without looking like eegits.


Calling out Dr Tony now too on the schools. He’s an alright sort for a LIUTF-FE sort.
Are you ready for more science?

Option of staying in school for the month of July, which most parents avail of.


You fully confident on that peddlers, 10 new cases today would suggest so!

He has a streak of devilment in him alright ! The call to shelve the daily press conference was made here several weeks back. 3 a week be enough now

Honest question here could be diverted to another thread but I have looked already and cannot seem to find.

Do you reckon it’s safe to visit a hospital.

I have kidney stones in awful agony and it’s like pissing gravel however one bastard seems to be lodged in the shaft.

I’m sweating like a mofo with pain and am coming to the end of pain relief.

Any help would be greatly appriciated

Go to A&E right now mate, don’t fuck around with this. You will get seen to faster than you ever woud, gtfi there NOW

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Its never been more safe, trust me, its safety to a fault at the moment. I had to bring some to hosp last couple of weeks. They are well on top of it here no reason they wouldn’t be where you are. Stop being a mong and get in there

Cheers to be honest I am up shits creek so will have to go.

First trip to james hospital it is so

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