Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Get in there quick, the pain you’re going through now will be worth it for the guaranteed, naied on Nice Post you will recieve when you tell us all about your experience tomorrow

I brought the oul fella into the Regional in Galway twice last month when he was under the weather, if anything it’s a good time to go in once you know what needs to be seen to.

Definitely safe to go in. Most hospitals will have segregated into Covid and Non-Covid sections and are a lot emptier than normal

Kidney stones matter.

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He’s probably dead already


Get to hospital now for ffssake. I’ve been in and out a fair bit dropping things and papa J is not long back from a 3 week stint in Beaumont.

Maybe you could give them some pointers after the guilt of Cheltenham?

They’d be better off in an exam hall

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Quit sharing videos of kids you weirdo.

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The young lad giving yer wan a snakey Dougal kick at the end :joy:

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Go and shite pal.

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Have a cluster of kidney stones that have dropped was whipped in within 20 mins of arriving.
Urologist says I have to get a stent put in pencelled in for tomorrow


You’re a lucky fella.

Lads you’re mad to be avoiding hospitals if you’re really sick. Look after yourselves.


Fuck, you poor cunt.

where’s that?


The stent is a cunt of a thing. Makes you want to piss all the time.

Is that not supposed to be a respectable area?

Scenes like it every were … seeing pics of parks and fields destroyed with used drink bottles/cans … kids are losing their minds

Video on WhatsApp of a couple having sex on beach yesterday - Sandycove. Placed mobbed. Guard ambles over to tell them to stop.

And the schools are closed.