Coronavirus - Close the Airports

I bought a new set of curtains today

Tonights rent a doctor scaremonger expert on primetime is Dr Gerry Killeen of UCC, the gimp spluttering into his facemask last week on The Tonight Show.

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Prime Time will have sent a few more that were thinking about venturing outside, scurrying back indoors under their duvet.

giphy (63)

A bit of vitamin D and we’ll be grand.

Theyve sent us out ppe from work. I’ll be like a fucking stormtrooper going into stores next week

You’ll be well safe mate. Been to a lot last 2 weeks. All in great shape Back of House.

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:pint: :heart_eyes:


18 hours without a post.


Tis all over sure.

Did simple Simon make any mention of crèches today lads?

Ours is going to OIUTF June 29.

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Ours said they were as well but they don’t know how under current guidelines. It’s basically impossible

Leo’s speech about a new day coming and darkness passing , what a load of fucking shite .

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Great speech from Leo.

Well done lads. We’re there.

If it never got dark we wouldn’t appreciate the sun

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Saw someone say he was quoting Sam wise from LOTR

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Great to see Dunph on 6.01 there

You heard someone say

7 deaths

28 cases

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Didnt learn of the book line by line but my favourite verse is John 3:16

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