Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Dying of Natural causes just doesn’t excite people now I’m afraid

Ah you get those chaps everywhere. Usually known as the office/town/pub pothole. Best avoided.

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Yep natural causes like cancer and all that shit that doesn’t matter anymore.

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My uncle is undergoing treatment at the minute, I can’t fault the care he is receiving thankfully.

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Looks like old people won’t be dying anymore now. It’s great news, unreal you could say.


Mother in law had a biopsy there 2 weeks back. Benign thank god.

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You’d feel for the families of Health care workers who passed away all the same, mate.

I feel for family of health care workers dying all the time, not just in the Feb - May covid timeline. But sure no more covid, old people don’t have to worry about death now.

Have a read of this so and see does it all sink in,

God rest them. There but for the grace of god.

That’s great mate looks like this lockdown has been great for you. Hasn’t been great for others but shur they only want to go to the pub so fuck them as the man says.

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Have health care workers never died before pal?

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No you don’t you want people to die. Anyone who wants lockdown to end wants old people to die did you not get the memo.

Or a haircut. Selfish cunts really, pubs and the haircut is all that interests them.

Harry has no hair and doesn’t drink in a pub so you can see his pov in fairness

That’s a fairly crude statement, pal

We had to do what we did, those who could work carried on & those who regrettably couldn’t stayed off the grid.

It’s been tough for all but we can all get it back on track with a positive attitude. Pissing and moaning only wets the fabric and weakens our resolve further.

Not at all. I could see many reasons why people wanted lockdown to end, but also many reasons why It needed to continue. But we’re out now. Businesses opening. Life returning. Soon we’ll properly mourn those we lost. Some people were lucky they lost no one, the rest of us will have to deal with it as best we can. But what was done was done for the best of all.


From highly contagious diseases? I don’t have the data but I’d hazard a guess it wasn’t a common occurrence. Is it a regular occupational hazard that is hidden in fine print?


Kitchen porters are fair game, mate ?

Kitchen porters die too, as far as I know.