Coronavirus - Close the Airports

From overly filled teapots?

I doubt many have died from that exact cause but I don’t have the stats to hand.

I also don’t have the data to hand on how many health care workers die in any given year and how many have died only due to covid, and what the exact excess deaths are. Unless its something outrageously high, I advocate not shutting down an entire country, cancelling surgeries and hiding under a bed for 4 months.

But you’re proud and held the line so there’s that.


Yeah. The pissing and moaning thing yourself and @myboyblue have been posting daily for months now grates though. The lockdown hasn’t affected either of you badly which I’m genuinely happy about. For many many others it’s been hellish so dismissing them as moaners and only wanting to go to the pub is incredibly crass and ye should have a think about it and maybe cop the fuck on. Ye are at home working away with your families around ye which is great but there are hundreds of thousands of people in Ireland who aren’t so maybe think about them before doing this hold the line shtick.


I haven’t noticed your contributions before much bro. You seem a little angry about a National effort to suppress a deadly disease. Bizarre tbh.

Money comes & goes but life is precious. You protect life above money in my book.

Last shout, the country never ground to halt. Have a little respect for those people who provided your groceries daily. A bit of respect for those on the frontline.


Juvenile states of mind


There are thousands at home since March who aren’t pissing & moaning bro. Do they matter at all for getting on with things for the greater good? Are they fucking fools or something?

The think of the frontline staff is propaganda used to try quel debate on this, same as the murdering old people schtik. I’ve nothing but respect for nurses and also think the expectation of people having to work in tescos and couriers for minimum wage is ridiculous and beyond contempt.

But I’d say the whole concept and irony of those min wage workers being out working during a supposed killer pandemic, worthy of office workers and wfh merchants hiding under their bed for 4 months is completely lost on you.


I’ll leave you off now pal just give the pissing and moaning shtick a break for a while if you can. People have legitimate reasons to be pissing and moaning so stop attributing it to wanting to go to the pub, people want to get back to normal for reasons other than that.

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Haircuts, nice meals in fancy restaurants, late bars etc?

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Sad statistic that.

Getting back to work, getting out of domestic abuse situations, getting pain relieving surgeries, meeting other people as is normal for the human race, get into a new relationship for single people, seeing family who live more than 5km away or outside of their county. Fairly pathetic and disappointing response from you there now to be fair. Get blitzed there now and we’ll reconvene at another date.

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I love you bro.

The lockdown was the right move. The opening it up is now the right move. If pubs can open from 29th and lads trusted to observe rules with a hApe of pints on board then hairdressers, gyms, crèches etc and other indoor businesses should be allowed open with same protective measures in place.

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I’ve a relative working in the NHS and the stories are just plain scary. The pressure placed on the staff in hospitals has been scandalous but she is where she is. Healthy thank god but very fucking weary at this stage.

Although our infection rates for Health staff is more than poor at least we’re not looking at big numbers succumbing to it thank god.

Be thankful for that at least I suppose.


Lockdown will, in time, be regarded as a disaster


Maybe maybe not. It may be the way that we locked down will be seen as what went wrong. Hindsight is always 20/20 but it’s now clear that nursing/care homes, vulnerable and over 70s need to be the first to be protected. Do that and you give yourself a fighting chance to limit further restrictions

By the end of this year if not already

The repercussions will be way worse than anything COVID could do

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