Coronavirus - Close the Airports

That’s what you think

Poor @Horsebox really lashed out last night. He was always such an unassuming chap.

100 percent correct. Harry has been boasting how he has never been busier with work. Another poster incapable of looking at anything from a different perspective. An incredibly selfish individual.

They’ve made a complete balls of the roll out. Holding out far too long with lockdown costing many people their livelihoods and now having to open up everything too quickly together to save face which could easily lead to a huge second spike.

Many fellas have shamed themselves over the past few months but fair play to @ironmoth and @anon7035031 who have stuck to their guns throughout the crisis.

It’s a gas ticket someone who could say lockdown was rolled out too late when you’d cunts heading off to watch horses jumping fences in packed spaces when they could safely watch from a couch at home.
Same lads would argue lockdown was held too long now.

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Creeping determinism is a textbook reaction - common tendency for people to perceive events that have already occurred as having been more predictable than they actually were before the events took place.

People are programmed not to give credit for avoiding a disaster.

It’s a textbook response and to be predicted. If you go back to when lockdown was introduced it was universally welcomed.


Lock down was miles too long you pot head. It’s been complete and utter guess work from our government to say the least. The hypocrisy of their decisions is unreal. It’s safe to go to the pub in two weeks but you can’t head to a beach on Monday unless you live within in a certain distance. It’s a joke.

You’ve revealed yourself to be an incredibly selfish individual and the type that’ll run with the hare and hunt with hounds. Logging in here every day rubbing in lads faces because your job wasn’t effected is extremely low to be honest. These hold the line merchants have shamed themselves over the past few months.

Lock down has been miserable for me as I hate being on my own and had nothing to really look forward to. I find not knowing really tough but I don’t have a mortgage or dependents so really I’m living on easy street. I can’t imagine what it’s like for fellas who’s jobs disappeared over night, have young families and a heap of bills to pay as well. I hope the economic fall out isn’t as bad as many predict.


One of the three lads who ran the @BruidheanChaorthainn account enjoyed the lockdown in fairness so it’s horses for courses as Barney Curley used to say.


Yes but as I’ve realised sitting at home reading isn’t really life at all. I had to deal with non lock down issues that soured it the past few weeks but either way What’s happened over the past few months for me it’s Irrelevant. I don’t have kids relying on me to put on the table or anything like that.

Some lads should look beyond how they are doing and take of others less fortunate. You’ve some remarkably selfish people on here who never think of anybody else.

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Listen mate, don’t be minding that chap. He’s away with the fairies.

Have a great day :+1:


You were another fella who’s been rubbing in lads faces every day for the past few months. Maybe if rocko pulled the plug on this place for a week you might understand what it’s like for fellas to lose their livelihoods over night.

More lies

Then try and log off for a few days and give us all a break. I won’t forget how you mocked my uncle passing a few weeks ago and my friend two years ago. You are a horrible individual.

You’re not to be trusted and make up lies repeatedly.

It’s bizarre. Somehow they’re still selling this as we’ve done well and people are swallowing it.


You’ve just logged into two of your accounts to like your own post. You need to get some sort life beyond here.

That was clear from the beginning. Other countries managed it. Who are vulnerable? Old people. Where are they?

You’re a dreadful liar

The racist American and the social outcast conspiracy theorist?

Lads still cannot get their heads around the fact we did a good job on this.

Roughly half of deaths from the virus across Italy, France, Spain, and Belgium have taken place in nursing homes, according to figures collected by academics at the London School of Economics. In many countries the true figures are only just coming to light, as unlike in Ireland, deaths in care homes were not reported in national figures

Just because we aren’t as bad as other countries doesn’t make it a good job. It makes it a less shit job. It’s complete and utter guess work from day one. We’ve been lucky and totally fluked it.