Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Ah stop. Go back under the bed. Mistakes were made but a lot was done correctly in incredibly difficult circumstances.


Of course it was guess work. Very few people in the world had experience of dealing with a highly contagious global pandemic. It’s still guess work all over the world. You have noble prize winners contradicting each other in relation to the virus.


By our government? Like what? They took the initiative on nothing and merely copied other countries.

It’s hard to believe lads can’t understand this.

‘They’re making it up as they go along’

Well of course they fucking are, precisely for the reasons you’ve said. But they’re doing it with the best advice available with the best interests of all at heart.

What should they have done? Gone off and charted their own course like Sweden?
They got the timing of the intial phases fairly spot on.

The amount of people that died in care and nursing homes was borderline criminal.


No that is not true. They allowed planes to land through the middle of crisis and didn’t make people self isolate. Then as the pandemic pretty much disappeared they brought in rules to self isolate. The pubs should not be opening at the same time as outdoor stuff like beeches and gaa pitches. It’s been complete guess work.

I’m not giving them credit for coping other people’s work. If other people want to that’s fine.

They sent people from hospitals to nursing homes who had tested positive for the virus.

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Ireland had a lot of natural advantages.

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Fixed the HSE a decade ago.

Easy from the cheap seats. Clearly mistakes were made but in the context of an unprecedented global pandemic they did a lot right too.


Protected the most vulnerable

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‘The Government’ can’t fix the HSE without the support of the people and best of people standing for election.

The people won’t vote for things that impact negatively on them and the best people aren’t standing for election. So we have what we have.

You’re like the lad who goes to the AGM and complains but hasn’t time to take any job.


I’ve said this before and others have argued it with me, but we were slow in the initial stages. We were one of the much later countries in Europe to bring in lockdown. We were bizarrely slow to close pubs and there was another long gap to closing cafes and restaurants. Most other countries closed all those things in one fell swoop. We were more like Sweden in the beginning. We had some odd loopholes as well, solicitors were deemed an essential service and could continue going to the office without restriction, the aim was access to the courts but the solicitors convenience hardly needed to be facilitated.


Let’s shrug our shoulders then

No let’s get fixies and cycle to work.

By all means go and do something about it. I just haven’t time.

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How come other countries have functioning health systems?

While Ireland has a basket case of a health system and is currently building the most expensive hospital in the world.

The public health system is the remit of the government and for decades FF and FG have sought to run it into ground, they have done so while lining the pockets of wealthy billionaires as they have hawked healthcare off to the private sector.

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Yeah the world is full of great health care systems like the NHS and the US of A.

The NHS is vastly superior to the HSE, for all its faults.