Coronavirus - Close the Airports

With all the advantages Ireland had in its favour, and how we measure up compared to the rest of Europe, there is just no way you can make that argument. We did very bad.

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Irish people are happy to settle for doing better than England. Nothing else matters in their narrow minds. It’s been a shit show from lockdown, to protecting the vulnerable to the rolling out of phases.

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The HSE needs to be tackled now. The Govt has the will of the people, Simon should be given free reign to shred it and create the service we deserve.

What other island in Western Europe can we compare ourselves to?


Yeah that’s it.


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Not an island.

I dont know was it. Think they got it about right. Its the fucking pious hold the line merchants bleating everywhere sicken me. The equivalent of the lads in the pub shushing the kicks from Thomond


Says the fella who was letting his kids run riot with the neighbours throughout lockdown. You could do with a bit of piety pal.


Dont compare yourself to a basket case nation who went first with a herd immunity plan. There was no possible way we would be worse off at this point than them. So clapping yourself on the back for doing better than them is ridiculous Particularly when we had different initial plans.

You can see the numbers per 100k here. We haven’t done a good job. We’ve done a less shit job than England and many are happy with that.

Have Andorra and Sant Marteen done terrible jobs?

You are comparing apples with oranges with some of those countries. You need to look at the excess death rate to get a true picture.

If you can go to a pub in two weeks time than parks and beeches etc should have been opened weeks ago imo. Yes I find it very annoying myself and feel bad for the fellas who’ve been deeply effected by pandemic. If you haven’t been directly effected than you should shut up or at least try and understand other people’s plight.

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Have a great day mate :+1:

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You were ignoring the lockdown months ago


What do you mean when you ask about the vulnerable? Maybe I should have worded it differently. Underlying conditions would have been a better term. When I read your post regarding the elderly, yes actually you are correct. I was probably lookin6more at the U.K. and U.S.


Jesus fellas are getting itchy. Tearing each other apart with accusations of breaking lockdown and questioning speed of opening up. Both lockdown and roadmap are farce. We now know lockdown wasnt needed. Roadmap is still too long but at least someone pressured leo and simple Simon to compromise.

2020 all but ruined by chinese bat soup. We have 4 months to save it

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Lads needed more zen. I’ve been trying to tell you all this. I don’t think everyone listens to me.

As lockdown starts to ease… you decide for you, I’ll decide for me. None of us have the same circumstances (medically high risk child/ family member or a business about to go under, etc.) Let’s all stay in our own lanes and keep the judgement down as we begin to unlock. No one should feel pressured either way.
Just a thought… As all of us are trying to figure out how to ease back into normal, please remember:
:stop_sign: Some people don’t agree with the unlocking… that’s ok. Be kind.
:house_with_garden: Some people are still planning to stay home… that’s ok. Be kind.
:microbe: Some are still scared of getting the virus and a second wave happening… that’s ok. Be kind.
:moneybag: Some are sighing with relief to go back to work knowing they may not lose their business or their homes…that’s ok. Be kind.
:woman_health_worker:t5:Some are thankful they can finally have the surgery they have had put off…that’s ok. Be kind.
:memo: Some will be able to attend interviews after weeks without a job…that’s ok. Be kind.
:mask: Some will wear masks for weeks… that’s ok. Be kind.
:nail_care:t2: Some people will rush out to get their hair or nails done… that’s ok. Be kind.

:heart: The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that’s ok. Be kind.

We each have a different story. If you need to stay home, stay home. But be kind.
If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!

Don’t judge fellow humans because you’re not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago. So remember, be kind.:heart::heart::heart:

Please copy & paste & post as I did.

I mean that when our experts sat down and made a plan for how to deal with this, you would think that one of the first questions would be, where are the risks, who is most vulnerable. Old people, nursing homes. Nursing homes didn’t get a mention in NPHET meetings until the ninth meeting I think I read.

The measure Ireland has just introduced of requiring people arriving to quarantine for two weeks is a measure most EU countries have implemented during lockdown period and are already dispensing with. We are out of step with a lot of the EU in what we are doing, we are muddled.

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