Coronavirus - Close the Airports


Do you reckon they’ll do a post mortem on this or will the just walk away from it now that things have calmed down a bit?

I don’t know actually. There doesn’t seem to be appetite in Ireland for looking at how we’ve done critically. Even on here, lads saying we’ve done well when the evidence is incontrovertible that we haven’t. Maybe in a year.

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They will walk away as it will emerge the soin and lies to wearing the green Jersey all was.

I’d like to hear what you think should have been done differently here, pal.

In hindsight now more of course should have been done in Nursing Homes, but it is childish for people to lay all that blame at the HSE door.
There are nursing homes which are incredibly profitable who didn’t get their own houses in order. They were very lax in prepping & putting proper work practices in place. The same nursing homes would be whinging about regulation in years gone by.

There were a large cohort of Private Nursing jobs who did very well and had no cases or fatalities so please square that hole for me.

As regards the line that so much effort went into getting hospitals ( who ended up idle ) ready when they should have being getting the Nursing Homes ready is a tad unambiguous tbf.
All known info from Italy & Spain was that Hospitals were being swamped and it was chaos.

There are rights & some incredible wrongs but we have done reasonably well imo. People have cash coming in throughout. The fannies complaining about Hairdressers & Pubs & Gyms are a disgrace there tbh.

Lads who swanned off to the Mountain skiing or off to Cheltenham, lads who cried wolf and close it down quicker but then turned full circle to open it up.

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Proof would be nice here.

What actually happened was people were moved off wards in hospitals who were showing no symptoms to Nursing Homes. This was done in anticipation of an onslaught and probably with the idea of keeping vulnerable people out of harms way in Hospitals.

It’s was a major fuck up not testing people before moving them but there are Nursing Home operators as culpable for not having their premises properly infection prevention ready whether that be with incoming residents or staff movement etc.

I don’t blame the HSE. I blame the government and team of experts they put in charge, they were the planners and decision makers.

Contact tracing is still a joke in Ireland.

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So the government aren’t responsible for running the country? Good man. What are we paying the cunts for so?

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This is a great result. It never got into the community in any meaningful way

People don’t live forever. I say that as somebody with very elderly parents.

Age profile of Deaths up to: 4 June|Age|Deaths (%)|
| — | — |
|Health worker|7(0.4%)|

100% on contract tracing buddy.

As I said, I think the Nursing Home sector has got away with a lot throughout this too & it isn’t palatable to say so yet by many. Wounds are still too fresh.

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You blame the government because you don’t like FG - no more no less. To be fair you don’t hide your bias but it’s clearly not an objective position.

The “experts” you reference are largely Dept of Health senior civil servants or senior HSE staff. I take from your comments above that accordingly you blame both of those organisations.

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That’s nonsense. This is not political. We did not do well. The facts are incontrovertible. It is bizarre that anyone could claim we did well by comparison with the rest of the EU. The government are ultimately responsible, it really is as simple as that.

We’re electing them. That’s more powerful than paying them. It’s like some people see the government as different species. They’re good at getting elected. It’s a totally different job than governing.

I’d say the quality of punter in the Dail is a fair representation of the electorate. Offaly is a great example.

The HSE needs to be dismembered and there needs to be thousands of redundancies in admin /middle management. The unions and the voters will love that.

So yeah we pay the government, not nearly enough either for a 24/7 job.


And in Ireland we are bred to believe that a) the taxman is a cunt and b) the government are cunts.

Neither should be the default stance but that’s the way we are.


This hasn’t been a reaction, it has been my position from the very beginning

It’s transparently political. If it’s any consolation it’s not just you - I think there was a poll out recently which showed a clear difference in opinion as to how the country had performed based upon political preference.

You seen extremely reluctant to criticise the performance of the DoH and HSE too which is odd if you think our response was mis-managed

Our excess deaths aren’t as high as some other places glas.

I think the outcome has been as good as could possibly been achieved with a health service that’s been broken for as long as I can remember and a caretaker government.

There will need to be an enquiry into the nursing home debacle.

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mate, im trying to get an inight into why reyhound racing is allowed to start back but cervical cancer screning isnt starting back?


Health reasons.

No panic with the cancer screening according to the LIDTF crew. That won’t do any harm

Three typos in one sentence pal.

Your tennis elbow at you?

I agree with sentiment of your post though.