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It’s similar to dog baiting and cock fighting for it in modern ireland

I’d have to hear that from their mouth first. Until then, outlaw it, just to be safe.

Do your animals tell you they’re happy to be slaughtered?

Listen, you compared a soccer player to an animal there a few posts back, you’re all over the shop now.

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Bizarre stuff. Comparing forcing a dog to race to someone playing sport

I didnt. But you just did.

Cruelty to a human is far far worse

Do they still run the mechanical hare around in front of them to make them race?

Yes. If they are slow they are then put down

If theres no racing theres no greyhounds.

You’re actively promoting the slaughter of thousands of dogs.

Christ. Barbaric.

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Ban the sport. The owners of the dogs can look after them until their natural end. Why would you slaughter these dogs?

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Bizarre mentality


Clare hurlers?

Why do you slaughter a cow if it’s not producing?

Ireland at the top of the global table for care home deaths, what a victory!

So the dog needs to keep producing or it gets slaughtered?

Jesus this is eye opening.

Same as a cow or a sheep or any stock mate.
If people ate the dogs would it be ok?

Dogs are animals. If they get hurt and cant be saved they get euthanized in as humane a way as possible. If they aren’t profitable they get the same.

I don’t see how this is different from any other livestock.

The fact a farmer is an animal activist is hilarious. You probably destroy more animals per year than the entire greyhound industry

So people breed these dogs to slaughter them?