Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Same as cows and sheep and pigs, chickens

They’re bred for a purpose.


Would you reckon we should race cows?

No, that stock is profitable while they are alive and after its slaughtered

If people stopped eating beef and drinking milk would you keep feeding your herd?

Holohan can add it to the list of scandals he’s been involved in


It’s quite an insight into a greyhound owners mind you’re giving here

They breed and own livestock. It’s no different to any livestock owner.

Is it because dogs are cute or something?

It’s a failing industry that is being propped up by gambling and govt money, time to bin it. We probably need cows.

So we’ve established if your herd was no longer profitable or got sick you wouldn’t keep them.

There’s an effort to reignite the industry because it generates money for a lot of people and also to make it safer for the dogs from breeding to death.

Are you in favour of binning all industries that are in decline?

I suppose we should bin air travel for good. The greens would love that too

Air travel is necessary, dog racing is not

Not for you, but it is for some people who use it as their only source of income.

Careful what you wish for

They’re coming for you next

Dairy farmers are grand, they’re going nowhere.

They can find income elsewhere, but people need to travel so the airlines will come back too.

They’re going after airlines as well.

They’ll want us travelling in sailing boats eating quorn and not having any livestock.

If the greens get in they’ll kill rural ireland off for a few bike lanes in Dublin

Time to end this social distancing shite. Fucking ridiculous.


a total cod

A total fuck up.

Noone is stopping ye lads

Just go to a BLM protest

All I want to do is be able to go into a poxy shop without having to queue. I wouldn’t mind when you do get in its a fucking free for all.

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hundreds of thousands were meant to be dead now, a total cod, there’s still apes out there lapping it up