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Ah yeah, seeing kids in estates pretending to be greyhounds is a wonderful sight as opposed to pretending they’re Ronaldo or Shane Long.

Ronaldo had a great career with Shamrock Rovers alright :joy:

Sure 99% of them will never make, thankfully pretending to be greyhounds keeps them fit etc.

You’re comparing kids to greyhounds now and you accused me of being obtuse :joy:

He played in Tallaght

That’s was one of the most watched sporting events held in Ireland


I know most people are disgusted with it after that prime time show

No, you brought football to the argument. :point_up: :point_up:

You have killed yourself

And rightly so.

Not all dog owners are like that though.

His Dad or Father in law must keep a few so he has skin in the game.

Anybody involved in Greyhounds knows no one in the general public takes notice or even knows the industry exists ffs.

Staff at Dog tracks etc, only there because attendees are there of piss cheap party night paid for by hungry employers with poor imaginations.

You compared kids to greyhounds mate. I was talking about financial similarities

Only came into the public consciousness when prime time exposed them

Financial me hole, Football whether commercially viable or not promotes clubs, children being part of teams & encourages kids to keep fit.

Those financial figures from Greyhound Industry breeders are laughable ffs.

Professional football here is unsustainable. Kids here look up to players at clubs outside the country.

The vast majority of kids play for amateur clubs run by volunteers? Sound familiar?


Hours of posting on greyhounds :rofl:


Well thought out response there


Better spent than passing a few hours/days defending police brutality mate

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You should point out (on the relevant thread) where I have defended police brutality.