Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Literally every post on the US politics thread since the George Floyd death.

You’ve gone to great lengths to dispel the link between police brutality and racial prejudice.

An auld harmless chat on the dags though.

Which part do you disagree with?

You were very agressive on this thread

Professional football is sustainable
Kids in Tallaght look up to SRFC players


Calm down mate, you’re getting hysterical again.

Think you called me a green cunt

Is that more or less aggressive than you telling me I killed myself?

You as In rural Ireland killed yourself when you were blaming progressives for killing rural ireland

It’s the most notice it’s got anywhere in about 10 years


Progressive :joy:

What is the issue with car pooling. It makes sense, it will get more and more popular

Have you ever been outside Dublin? Serious question now

The GAA just issued a statement telling its players not to car pool :eek:


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Ryan backtracked a day later

Progressive alright

So youd know how ridiculous a suggestion that is outside an urban setting

Here is the greens rural manifesto

“Encourage the Irish agriculture sector to diversify by moving away from animal products”

I hope that post makes sense to you.

Any figures today?

I posted a load of greyhound finance figures :joy:

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