Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Foo-king Chi-na

Did you hear him last night Wuu-han

My point is we need to ensure there is no second wave of infection. No mass gatherings. We can live without pubs, concerts, live sport and holiday excursions for a while longer.

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Retweets are not endorsements but McGuirk could get some good attention for himself with articles like this I’d say.

I’d say the only way of stopping a second wave is a vaccine

The minute a coalition deal is on the cards she tries to grab a bit of attention.


You can’t insure there will be no second wave of infection, short of everybody staying in their homes and never going out, and a complete ban on all travel into the country. China which had a very severe lockdown is now seeing cases again as they open up. The mitigation efforts that have been taken are to flatten the curve, or slow down the rate of infection. Banning all mass gatherings, sports, etc. cuts down the rate of infections, as does social distancing guidelines.

Unless something unexpected happens like the virus completely dying out in the summer, infections will continue until herd immunity is reached either naturally or via a vaccine.


I got savage abuse here last week for stating this is what happens in these places. That’s shocking if what he says is true.

Marketplace of “opinions”

This coalition deal has been on the cards since the day after the election pal.

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While the nursing home situation is a mess, anything written on that lunatic propoganda site should be given a very wide berth


In fairness to the government and in fairness to the Brits too, pretty much the same thing has happened in the nursing homes in every country.

It’s an almost unavoidable catastrophe. By definition people who are in nursing homes need personal care which requires regular physical contact. They cannot be “cocooned”. People in the caring professions often tend to live together, be it house shares or whatever. Once the virus is in, it’s in.

To stop it getting in or to contain it you’d almost need an IRA type cell structure with one dedicated staff member per resident living on site. And they’d need a dedicated server to act as a liason to provide them with essentials. And obviously that was never going to happen in a profession already notorious for poor wages and understaffing.

After seeing what happened with the nursing home in Seattle I feared a repeat here and it’s coming to pass and then some. The only way some of it might have been alleviated is if families who were able to had brought relatives home rather than stay in nursing homes.

Imagine the HSE had done that.

Goes to show how narrow the PPE market is.

Anecdotally I’ve heard of a few nurses who have been redeployed for the crisis, but are being redeployed again from new emergency wards in hospitals (which haven’t been anyway as busy as feared) to Nursing homes, which have been mauled.
Basically every staff member in some of these nursing homes have had to self isolate at some stage in the last few weeks. Most of the time many of them together. Not ideal not just for the loss of bodies to help, but for the total loss of knowledge about patients needs etc

I would

41 Deaths

548 cases

An additional 284 from the German Lab

The latest figures mean that 406 people diagnosed with Covid-19 in Ireland have now died, while there are 11,479 confirmed cases.

Did they give the breakdown of how many were in nursing homes?