Coronavirus - Close the Airports




We’ve now tested more per capita than Germany. You would expect the number of new cases to fall off this week based on timing of lockdown

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Our “lockdown” was a shit show.


What are we up to now?

I’m just the ideas guy.

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The surge in ICUs really hasn’t come to head as predicted. I know it is likely to increase further but we seem to have plenty of capacity now with the extra beds put in.

I know I read that testing in hospitals is now down to a couple of days turnaround, interested to know what it’s like wider than that and what point of the curve we’re really at.

We were quite close yesterday alright

I see it now. Good going.

No we can’t. Noble sentiment that it is, it’s complete folly to expect people to put their lives on hold indefinitely, you are pretty much asking for a black market led economy with that post

A lad in Longford was in court today after being arrested at a house party last night. He sneezed on a Guard and said “There’s your Coronavirus”

Whats the overall breakdown of location of the deaths? Seems to me to be v few outside of the ‘East’… far in excess of the population spread

Not including today’s figures

The mirror website is an abomination.

Every 3rd line is an ad.

I know. It’s a pain in the hole

All Mirror Group websites are a nightmare. they do the local paper here


Parliament Square an hour ago. End of days shit.

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