Coronavirus - Close the Airports

Advice was given by the NPHET and acted or decided on by the government. Those are the people responsible and ultimately the government has to take responsibility for decisions, including bad non decisions.

The fact that Ireland compares very badly to most of its peers is transparently non-political. It’s simple facts. It couldn’t be less political.

Our excess deaths aren’t even comparable with some of our “peers”. I’d like to know who that is.

A lot of countries in the EU have suffered a higher amount of excess deaths than Ireland

It’s not really simple facts. Different countries count Covid deaths differently. It’s really something we can only look at in excess deaths in each country

I disagree that we compare very badly to our peers - I reckon we’re about mid-table. Some things have been done well and some poorly. The nursing homes being the great failure. Considering where we were in March watching hospitals overrun in Italy/Spain etc and fearing the worst here I think we fared better than expected at that stage.

I agree that a gov has to take ultimate responsibility. I do however think the civil service, HSE and other public bodies bear responsibility both for policy advice and execution of policy.

You gave contact tracing as an example of something you thought was being carried out poorly. To argue that’s solely the fault of gov but no fault of the DoH or HSE and the various personnel is odd. When you consider that you hate FG and are a civil servant it becomes a little clearer why that might be the case.

Ultimately you make your criticisms not constructively but with a view to inflict political damage or drive political change - it doesn’t get much more political than that.

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This is mental.

The Fine Gael magic money tree strikes again.

We need Sinn Féin in government to ensure some fiscal responsibility.


To put that in context the hotel was bought out of receivership in 2014 for €30m. Probably worth a good bit more than that now but still what a ridiculous amount of money to pay a hotel that was going to be closed for the duration of the crisis anyway

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the whole thing is an absolute cod and an absolute travesty the amount it will cost in the end, sure they built an emergency hospital in London with 4000 beds in it and there was only 34 lads in it at the height of it, the Italians are at fault, everyone looked at them and the incompetent way they handled things and shit themselves, closing the bloody world down and terrifying 99.9 per cent of the population , I still can’t get my head around it


Queuing seems to be the new national pastime

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queuing to get into shops like mugs, then inside it is packed with every cunt breathing on top of you and pulling and dragging at everything and leaving it back, its a bloody cod and a farce


wasn’t 30,000 meant to be dead at the end of March in Ireland?

I went into Insomnia earlier.

I didn’t wear a mask.

I brought my child with me.

No longer will I have judgemental Judys and curtain twitching Tonys tut tutting when I complete a completely standard human activity.

This thing is a cod.

cc @Tassotti


Congrats on the new arrival. Did the virus make it a much different experience this time around with safeguards etc

Dr Tony will take that child off ya

It’s grand. I have another one now anyway.


Here’s hoping Monday a few of the people that have lost their livelihoods, businesses, prospects etc can stick it to the WFH LIDTF crew and actually try to salvage something from this mess


Hopefully the people that got the 350 euro hand out plough it back into the economy where possible.

Thanks. Yeah, I’m sitting here in a completely silent house, which is odd. Older fella taking a nap and mother and baby in hospital. Can’t visit them before they get the nod to come home. At that stage I come to front door to meet them. Porter types will carry belongings and help mother.

I could attend yesterday from when she was in “active labour“ until when they were being moved from delivery room to maternity ward, which was 2 hours after birth. She was deemed in active labour shortly after the admission so I didn’t have long to hang around beforehand.

It wasn’t ott in Holles St itself. There’s now security at door to stop random walk ins but after that it was just sanitizer upon entry and I was given a mask to wear on occasions when there were a fair few people in the room. Otherwise it wasn’t mandatory to wear it. All staff wearing masks or those shield things though.

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Loads of it gone to Jeff Bazos already.

All small businesses will drown in red tape soon anyway, needing plastic screens and the like everywhere. Only big business will survive

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Will be interesting to see.

Might be a temporary bounce back for some of them as people rediscover the real world. People are fair sick of the virtual world.

Wouldn’t be confident long term. I see the operator of Fire has said that he will be laying out the restaurant with 1m if distancing as the advice is all over the place.