Coronavirus - Close the Airports

There will probably be a bounce but the uncertainty and lack of tourists (thanks to the excellent and timely 14 day isolation restrictions) will bite hard soon.

Couple of gyms have already gone.

a lot of psychological damage has been done in Ireland with the onslaught of the media like RTE, they have a lot of people afraid to leave the house, they are a fucking disgrace


True enough.

I see 90% of cinema goers would go back tomorrow though.

why was that prick George Lee given a platform to spout shite

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It’s the older generation that are affected worst by this. Young people can recover their confidence but it’s incredibly difficult for the elderly. I’d worry a lot of them will remain locked up for the rest of their lives. A savage tragedy

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another victory for DR Cervical check, he has finished off a lot of old people, not by covid but by psychological damage, he has destroyed the old people of Ireland, they might as well be dead

But he’s protecting them by ensuring they can never meet anyone again and die alone in a few years.


They can keep the queues at the moment but how do they intend to keep people queueing outside stores in the depths of winter? Have we to make an appointment to go to retailers or else stand outside getting drenched?

the whole thing will be out the window in a few weeks when people realise what a load of shite this thing is

4 solid months of scutter about covid and now it is all forgotten about here on the mainland, it all Gerald Floyd now

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Can we tell people yo stick social distancing up their holes? I’ve been content with respecting it as I understand other people may be concerned but I’m sick of bredas throwing looks as I am acting like a normal human chatting to people I know

I assume one of the unforeseen consequences/benefits of the protests around the world is that if we don’t have a spike of Covid infections after this then we can all but open the whole lot up again aside aside from nursing homes and other areas to protect the elderly/vulnerable.


1 death

25 cases

Dr Tony and Minister Si’s work is done.

had work done to the house this week guys

the tradesmn said its the busiest he has been in 25 years

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It seems to me this Covid19 is similar to the flu, whereby it has a season and burns itself out.


Tony Kelly esque


I’d say a lot of gyms will be fucked tbh. A lot of people are after picking up a few bits and pieces of equipment for home, enough to be doing Turkish Delights themselves anyways. I doubt I’ll be seeing the inside of a gym anytime soon.


one of the reasons of going to the gym, going to the cinema, a restaurant is getting out of the house, people have had enough of hiding under the bed, everything will return to normal in time, we can’t sit at home forever, lifting dumbells, watching netflix and making bread


if there is no spike in two weeks, this whole thing has been a cod, peoples lives have been ruined for nothing